Unravelling the Science
Behind Satisfaction
The Gateway to the Future of Food
Why are plant-based foods often considered as “something is missing”?
Our primary focus was set to comprehend this sensation and perception.
“something is missing”;
Can this be described as the lack of a specific component, for example saltiness?
Our answer is no, as it does not get any closer to identifying the obscureness we have been mystified by.
Indeed, something is missing. But exactly what?
To search for a solution, we set out on a journey to unravel this sensation and perception
from an unconventional approach based on science.
We believe the key is to dive further into the essence of its antonym-
in which we frame as “satisfaction”.
Our ultimate goal is to compose and design true satisfaction to create new values
for alternative foods so as to provide an innovation to the food industry.
Unlocking satisfaction academically by verifying the “satisfaction hypothesis” with 3 key approaches.
MIRACORE™ will continue this journey to pursue a sustainable future for food.